An account denotes a summarized records of transactions pertaining to one person, one
kind of asset, or one class of income, expense or loss.
It can also be explained as :
→ the financial value of each events,
which are termed as Transactions.
Classification of Accounts
Accounts are usually subdivided into the following classes :
1. Personal Accounts : These accounts deal with transactions relating to persons or an
organization. It can be classified as :
(a) Natural Persons : Mr. S. Sharma, Triveni & Sons, etc.
(b) Artificial Persons : State Bank of India, ITC Ltd, CC & FC, Royal Calcutta Golf
Club, etc.
(c) Representative Persons : Outstanding Expenses (represent ting liability for
expenses to supplies) ; Prepaid Salary (representating employess) etc.
2. Impersonal Accounts : There accounts do not relate to any persons are known as
impersonal accounts.
(a) Real Accounts : It is an accounts relating to assets and properties.
Eg: Land, Building, Plant, Machinery, Cash, Bank, Stock, etc.
(b) Nominal Accounts : It is an account relating to expenses, losses, incomes and gains.
They do not have any physical existence except names.
Eg: Sales, Purchases, Salary, Wages, Rent, Interest, Repairs, Travelling, etc.
Debit and Credit
Debit is derived from the latin word “debitum”, which means `what we will receive’. It is
the destination, who enjoys the benefit.
Credit is derived from the latin word “credre” which means `what we will have to pay’. It is
the source, who sacrifices for the benefit.
Diagrammatic Representation of Accounting Rules or the Golden Rules of Accounting
Modern Version : Any change in any variable of the equation must have another change in
another variable either in the opposite direction in the same side, or in the same direction in
the opposite side.
Events : Any or all activities which we are doing in our day-to-day life.
Example : Reading, Sleeping, Eating, Thinking, Singing, Gossiping, Buying, Selling, Playing
and etc.
Transactions : An event which has the following characteristics :
(i) Which changes the financial position of a person.
(ii) Which can be measured in terms of money.
(iii) Which can be recorded in the Books of Accounts.
Example : Purchase, Sales, Travelling Expenses, Rent, Wages, Salaries, and etc. It is therefore
concluded that “All transactions are events but all events are not transactions”.
Classification of Transaction
Cash Transactions : Those transactions which involves inflow / outflow of cash.
Example : (i) Purchased goods for cash Rs. 100.
(ii) Paid Expenses Rs. 20.
(iii) Sold goods for cash Rs. 300 and etc.
Non-cash Transaction : Those transaction which is not involved with immediate inflow /
outflow of cash. They are again sub-divided cost.
Credit Transactions : Those transactions which involve increase in assets /liabilities.
Example : (i) Goods sold to Mr. Sen on credit
— increase in asset.
(ii) Purchased goods from Sunny on credit
— increase in liability.
Other Non - Cash Transactions : Those which involves loses and does not result in immediate
outflow of cash.
Example : (i) Depreciation of Fixed assets
(ii) Bad Debts and etc.
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